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  • 1 year Expiration Date
  • 1 Product Listing
  • Lead Contact: Yes
  • SEO Backlink: Yes


  • 1 year Expiration Date
  • 10 Product Listing
  • 1 Featured Listings
  • Featured in Search Results
  • Lead Contact: Yes
  • SEO Backlink: Yes
  • Promotion on FB Pages: 1 Post
  • Integrated Blogs: 3
  • Dedicated Account Manager: Yes
  • On-Page SEO: Yes
  • Social Media Management: 6 Months


  • 1 year Expiration Date
  • Unlimited Product Listing
  • 5 Featured Listings
  • Featured in Search Results
  • Lead Contact: Yes
  • SEO Backlink: Yes
  • Promotion on FB Pages: 3 Posts
  • Promotion on TikTok: 2 Posts
  • Promotion on Instagram: 2 Posts
  • Integrated Blogs: 10
  • Google Ads Integration: Yes (worth $1500)
  • Graphic Promo Video: 1 (worth $300)
  • Dedicated Account Manager: Yes
  • Sell on Platform: Yes
  • On-Page SEO: Yes
  • Social Media Creatives: 28 Graphics
  • Social Media Management: One Year